Join us in 2025 for the VM Workshop at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.
Take a look at our introductory video on YouTube.
The VM Workshop committee would like to thank those who joined us for the 2024 VM Workshop at Virginia Commonwealth University
If you didn't have a chance to join us in Richmond for the 2024 VM Workshop, the session materials that have been sent to us are in the 2024 Presentation Archives.
The 2021 and 2020 virtual VM Workshop session recordings can be seen on the VM Workshop YouTube Channel.
Stay tuned for further developments.
"It is simply a bunch of smart people gathered together who enjoy making each other smarter!" - Monte Bauman, IBM
The VM Workshop
About the VM Workshop: What it was yesterday and what it is today.
The VM Workshop is a grassroots non-profit organization made up of customers, ISVs, and business partners with an interest in the use and growth of the z/VM platform, Linux on IBM Z, and VSE (z/VSE and VSEn).
Why come to the VM Workshop?
There are many great reasons to come to the VM Workshop.
Some of the best VM, Linux, and VSE Sessions you'll see anywhere!
Many talks seen at the more expensive conferences are also presented at the VM Workshop, in a smaller, more intimate setting. Same talks, same speakers, and a chance to throw a frisbee with the speaker afterwards. Because the VM Workshop is less formal, some of the talks take on the atmosphere of discussion groups or "this is the neat solution I came up with for this problem" sessions. People get to talk about the topics that really interest them.
Some meals are included.
A continental breakfast and lunch are provided. Dinner is provided one evening in the form of our traditional VM Workshop banquet.
A really cool Polo Shirt!
Suitable for all appropriate occasions.
The best audience you'll ever have!
Does your boss pressure you to give presentations, but the idea petrifies you? Well, the Workshop is a great place to get practice (or develope) your public speaking skills. The audiences are small, "Linux and z/VM Community"-friendly and very patient. You'll have nothing to fear when speaking at a VM Workshop.
Personal contact with IBM developers and other vendors!
One of the best aspects of the VM Workshop is the close contact with people from IBM and other vendors who actually work on your products. It's a great opportunity to ask questions and give feedback directly to the people who need to hear it. You will find that they are actually pretty "good people" too.
Exotic Locations!
VM Workshops are traditionally held on college campuses to hold down the cost. Therefore, its your opportunity to see such exotic places as Columbus, Ohio and Richmond, VA; among others!
Terrific conversations!
The dorm's "common" areas provides a relaxing opportunity for business and personal interaction every night.
At the VM Workshop, everyone is encouraged to speak.
The VM community has always relied upon the contributions of many different people. The Workshop philosophy is that everyone has something interesting to say. Therefore, no presentation is too short or too trivial. Sometimes you find great talks in modest little time slots, little tips and how-tos you can put to work as soon as you get back to the office.
VM Workshop, Inc. is registered in Delaware as a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.
2012-09-04 VM WORKSHOP INC - Certificate of Incorporation - Delaware Non-profit
VM Workshop W-9
VM Workshop 501 (c)(3)
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