DIR-RAC for z/VM 6.2

Here the DIR-RAC tool with support for z/VM 6.2. That is, it recognizes IDENTITY and SUBCONFIG statements. Note that if the SUBCONFIGs are not defining the same MDISKs on all SSI members, you may have to run DIR-RAC on each member. Because: DIR-RAC "resolves" the BUILD ON for the system it is running on. Consequently SUBCONFIGs for other members are simply ignored.

When deleting RACF profiles, keep in mind that the RACF database is shared among all members. An example. Suppose that SUBCONFIG MAINT-1 has only MDISK 101; whereas MAINT-2 has MDISK 101 and 102.

  • if run run DIR-RAC on member 1 it will tell that RACF profile VMMDISK MAINT.102 is superfluous as it doesn't appear the the CP directory.
  • if you run DIR-RAC on member 2, all will be fine (that is RACF and CP directory are in sync).

Have fun with it.
