Fallen Knight Award
The Fallen Knight Award is a commemorative award, honoring exceptional Knights of VM that
have passed on, who have had a continuous impact on
the VM Community in general, and the VM Workshop in particular. The Fallen Knight Award is given
to recipients that exemplify the Knight that was lost.
While the VM Workshop stewards the award, it is based on contributions
from the VM community at large.
For those unfamiliar with the Order of the Knights of VM, it is a group of individuals selected for
their contributions to the VM platform,
spanning products such as VM/370, VM/SP, VM/SP
HPO, VM/XA, VM/ESA, z/VM, and related products. Every five years on the anniversary
of the
announcement of VM/370, new companions of the order are selected. Knights and Dames of
VM are nominated and voted on by the current
Knights and Dames. This represents the best of the VM Community.
See the full list of knights.
The Fallen Knight Award acknowledges the best of the best.
2025 Fallen Knight - Sir David, The Generous
This year, we again recognize David Jones, Sir David, The Generous. His contributions as listed for 2024 were significant as both a Knight of VM and an IBM Champion. At the 2025 Workshop, we again strive to find a student who exhibits Dave's traits of generosity and curiosity; and award that student with funds to assist them in their educational pursuits. Here is the video tribute to Dave.
2024 Fallen Knight - Sir David, The Generous
The first honoree of the Fallen Knight Award is David Jones, better known as Sir David, The Generous. His title is fitting for Dave was knownto be more than generous with his time, expertise, support, friendship, and smiles. Taken from us in August of 2023, Dave had been knighted twenty-one years earlier.
Dave had also been recognized by IBM in 2023 as an IBM Champion. Dave had a heart for learning and teaching. And as such, the recipient of the Fallen Knight Award
in his name will be a student who attends the 2024 VM Workshop and exhibits Dave's spirit of helpfulness and encouragement, a person to pay it forward as was in
Dave's nature. The recipient will be awarded with funds to assist them in their educational pursuits. We will miss hearing on calls, Dave's unique
Texas accent, "Dave here", but we know the echoes of his heart will live on in others. Dave was also on the panel of a session at the 2019 VM Workshop,
a recording is available on You Tube.

Jo was nothing short of a sponge, soaking in as much as he could in the various workshop sessions, asking questions and
holding conversations with those that interacted with him. He received $1500 to help with his studies and the inaugural
Fallen Knight Badge (thanks to our friends at ProTech for creating the virtual badge).
To Donate
If you wish to contribute to the Fallen VM Knight Award and honor Dave, you may do so with the following link:
Donate here
The link will take you to Paypal where you can donate (Paypal account not necessary).
Afterwards, you will return to a Thank You page here on the VM Workshop website.