What's new here?
Recent updates include:
- April 2006
The Swami made two presentations at the WAVV conference in Chattanooga, TN.
- May 2005
The Swami made three presentations at the WAVV meeting in Colorado Springs, CO.
- 29 April 2003
The Swami made three presentations with four handouts at the WAVV meeting that just ended in Winston-Salem, NC.
How do I get a copy of one of these handouts?
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2006 Presentations
- The Swami's 2006 VSAM double session presentation
- VSE users store over 80% of their data using VSAM. A little knowledge could go a
long way to improve your system's throughput.
- Performance Methodology
- Some simple techniques can help you tune your critical workloads
-- The Swami, Pete Clark and Ken Meyer presented a double length session
discussing ways and means to measure and tune your system, and to estimate
the effect of system changes. This is the Swami's part of those sessions.
2005 presentations
- The Swami's 2005 VSAM double session presentation
- VSE users store over 80% of their data using VSAM. A little knowledge could go a
long way to improve your system's throughput.
- Using VDISK facilities -- why and how
- VDisks provide a way to exploit large data in memory facilities in VSE to
improve system throughput. This is the Swami's part of a joint presentation he made
together with Billy Bingham discussing why and how to use VDisks in your shop.
- Performance Methodology
- Some simple techniques can help you tune your critical workloads
-- The Swami, Pete Clark and Ken Meyer presented a double length session
discussing ways and means to measure and tune your system, and to estimate
the effect of system changes.
2003 (and 2004) presentations
- Batch Performance Hints
- The Swami's part of a presentation given jointly by Pete Clark of CPR Systems
and The Swami
- What's New in DL/I
- DL/I is IBM's data base subsystem, based on a hierarchical
data model, widely used in manufacturing, accounting and other
applications. It's been available to us for over 30 years, and
this presentation covers recent upgrades to the product that can
improve the performance of those parts of your system that use
- What's Really New in VSE/VSAM?
- In the first part of his presentation,
The Swami reviews the recent enhancements in VSE/VSAM,
including e-business connectors, extra-large data set support,
SNAP/SHOT (for RVA) and FlashCopy (for ESS) enhancements for
very quick backup of your VSAM data.
and support of 3390-9 large disk devices.
- VSE/VSAM Tips for Tuning
- This covers the second part of The Swami's VSAM presentation,
including VSAM tuning and usage tips.
- Who is this Swami of VSAM?
- The Swami of VSE/VSAM is Dan Janda, who has been working with VSAM in IBM laboratories
and the real world for over 30 years. He has been a frequent speaker on VSAM, VSE, CICS,
and performance topics at WAVV, GUIDE, CMG and other meetings around the world.
You are visiting part of his web site -- to see the more, go to