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Space Allocation Questions and Answers |
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First, please read the following two Question and Answer discussions:
With that background, we can make an accurate estimate of the amount of disk space that VSAM will use when loading a file. Next, calculate the number of CIs that will need to be loaded to contain the logical records in your file: NumCIs = Ceil(NumLogRecs / RecsInCI) Where: NumCIs == Number of CIs initially loaded Ceil == function that returns the integer value rounded up NumLogRecs == Number of Logical Records to be loaded RecsInCI == Number of Logical Records loaded into a CI To determine the number of Logical Records to be loaded into a CI, see this discussion. Now we know how many CIs will need to be loaded with records. To calculate the number of CAs that will need to be loaded to contain the CIs for your file: NumCAs = Ceil(NumCIs / LoadCIsInCA) Where: NumCAs == Number of CAs initially loaded Ceil == function that returns the integer value rounded up NumCIs == Number of CIs initially loaded LoadCIsInCA == Number of CIs to be loaded in each CA To determine the number of CIs to be loaded in each CA, see this discussion. You can check the LISTCAT output after loading a file to determine if your calculations were correct: Validate the following fields:
Multiply the CI values (CISIZE and CI/CA) to determine the CA SIZE in bytes Divide the ALLOCATION HI-USED-RBA by the CA SIZE calculated above to determine the number of CAs initially loaded. If this is not what you estimated, check to ensure that the following values are as intended:
CLUSTER ------- TST.FILE . . . DATA ------- TST.FILE.DATA . . . ATTRIBUTES KEYLEN----------------44 AVGLRECL-------------505 BUFSPACE-----------10240 CISIZE--------------4096 RKP--------------------0 MAXLRECL-------------505 EXCPEXIT----------(NULL) CI/CA----------------180 SHROPTNS(2,3) NORECOVERY SUBALLOC NOERASE INDEXED NOWRITECHECK NOIMBED NOREPLICAT UNORDERED NOREUSE NONSPANNED NONRECVABLE STATISTICS REC-TOTAL-------------13 SPLITS-CI--------------0 EXCPS-- ---------------28 REC-DELETED------------0 SPLITS-CA--------------0 EXTENTS----------------2 REC-INSERTED-----------0 FREESPACE-%CI----------0 SYSTEM-TIMESTAMP: REC-UPDATED------------0 FREESPACE-%CA----------0 88.194 08:38:01 REC-RETRIEVED----------0 FREESPC-BYTES----------0 X'9ECD8557B1912C10' ALLOCATION SPACE-TYPE------CYLINDER SPACE-PRI--------------6 USECLASS-PRI-----------0 HI-ALLOC-RBA-------94208 SPACE-SEC--------------3 USECLASS-SEC-----------0 HI-USED-RBA--------94208 VOLUME VOLSER------------SIN238 PHYREC-SIZE---------4096 HI-ALLOC-RBA-------47104 EXTENT-NUMBER----------1 DEVTYPE-------------3380 PHYRECS/TRK-----------12 HI-USED-RBA--------47104 EXTENT-TYPE--------X'00' VOLFLAG------------PRIME TRACKS/CA-------------15 LOW-KEY---------------00 HIGH-KEY--------------3F HI-KEY-RBA----------5120 EXTENTS: LOW-CCHH-----X'00000002' LOW-RBA----------------0 TRACKS-----------------3 HIGH-CCHH----X'00000004' HIGH-RBA-----------47103 VOLUME . . . INDEX ------ TST.FILE.INDEX . . .
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