Space Allocation Questions and Answers
Why does my file keep running out of space?

There are several unrelated conditions that can cause a file to need more space than estimated.

Let's review the cases from most obvious to least obvious:

  • An additional secondary allocation is needed for the file, but no space is available...

    Well, you may need to make more space available -- it may be that the volume(s) on which the file was allocated became full of extents belonging to this and/or other datasets.

    To correct this, you may be able to use IDCAMS DELETE to remove datasets that are no longer needed, thus freeing space for the catalog itself to grow. You may be able to allocate additional volumes for the file in question -- the IDCAMS ALTER datacomponentname ADDVOLUMES... command function can do this for you.

    BUT... it may be that:

    • Your file is very dynamic and uses keys that are system or application generated in a continually increasing manner
    • Your file has a high percentage of CI and/or CA freespace defined at load time
    • The insert activity for the file causes CI and CA splits, which essentially add additional freespace, but that additional space is not usually needed for additional inserts that would fall into the same range of keys as the CI where the split was triggered.

    Thus there is much more space required than the number of records would seem to demand.

  • An additional secondary allocation is needed for the file, but no more extents can be allocated since 123 extents have already been allocated...

    You'll have to redefine the file with larger allocation amounts, since 123 extents of the size you've allocated is not enough space for the catalog itself.

    Again, it is possible that the additional allocations are needed, not because of the number of records in the file, but because the allocation amounts and other parameters that control how VSAM allocates and uses space for files are set improperly.

    The most common case for this seems to occur because a file has grown beyond its initial design. You should ensure that primary and secondary space allocation amounts are appropriate for the actual file's requirements. It is often the case that secondary space allocation amounts are too small. Consider ensuring:

    • Primary and secondary allocation amounts should be at least one cylinder in size for any file larger than a few tracks in size.
    • Primary and secondary allocation amounts might be chosen to be on the order of 1/10th of the total size of the file for files less than a volume in size.
    • Remember that the first allocation for a file on any volume will be the size of the primary space allocation, and any additional allocations will be the size of the secondary space allocation. It's not inappropriate to have the secondary allocation size larger than the primary allocation size if that permits allocations to fill volumes better.
    • RAMAC Virtual Array DASD, and similar log-structured subsystems will not waste real disk space for disk tracks that are left empty. Why not let this technology simplify your allocations if it is available to you?
  • One of the above cases seems to be indicated, but only a few records (relative to the space allocated) are actually loaded in the file.

    The file may have been in use for some time, INSERTing and DELETEing records, and there's never more records defined than could easily fit into the space available.

    You've run into the problem that happens because of the index structure of VSAM KSDS. When a KSDS is loaded, a range of keys is allocated to each control interval, and that space within each CI will not be used for records with keys outside that range, even if there are no records left in the control interval.

    This problem occurs regularly when you all (or significant) insert activity occurs at a limited number of places in the file. The typical example is in a branch banking scenario, where each branch has its own range of account numbers (file keys), and each new account opened in a branch has a key value just larger than the previous account opened. (The worst case scenario is where there is essentially only one branch, and all inserts into the file occur at one point. The insert "hot spot" need not be at the end of the file, but can be located anywhere within the range of keys for the file.

    What should you do about this, when you cannot change the way the keys are created?

    One thing that's simple to do is to reorganize the file. User applications, system utilities, SORTs, and IDCAMS REPRO can be used as a reorganization tool.

    I recommend that you consider reorganization, and use it regularly to reorganize your files when you have keys which have this behavior. Reorganization can be of help, but careful design based on observed use patterns may be better yet. See the question that discusses reorganization.

    You might evaluate how much space -- primary and secondary allocations, CI and CA freespace -- a file needs to have for a month of activity, and then arrange for a weekly reorganization, thus keeping far from the file's capacity limits. Similarly, you might consider providing enough space in the file for three month's activity, and reorganize the file once a month.

    Reorganization should NOT be performed because some number of CI or CA splits have occurred. The CI and CA split process creates free space within a file at the point of insertion. If there is single or multiple "hot spots" for insertion, CI and CA splits can be a very efficient way to get appropriate free space generated within a file. Too-frequent reorganization in these cases would simply eliminate that free space that could have been used by additional insert activiity.

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