TBROWSE README The TBROWSE VMARC file contains TBROWSE and its related files TBROWSE is a CMS utility that allows you to browse a tape mounted on an attached real tape drive or defined virtual tape drive. The files included in this VMARC file are: TBROWSE ASSEMBLE - The assemble file for the formatter TBROWSE TEXT - The text output from an HLASM assembly TBROWSE MODULE - The module file created from the above text file TBROWSE HELPCMS - LXFMT CMS help file UTASM EXEC - Assembly exec that uses VMFHLASM to assemble files E UTCNTRL CNTRL - An assembly control file for UTASM TBROWSE README - This document TBVMARC EXEC - Exec to build the TBROWSE VMARC file The TBROWSE assemble file is in CMS packed format. VMFHLASM will automatically unpack the source for assembly. See the TBROWSE HELPCMS file for the command format. Any comments, sugestions or questions about TBROWSE should be sent to Rick Bourgeois - support@vsoftsys.com or rick@vsoftsys.com Virtual Software Systems, Inc. 7715 Browns Bridge Rd Gainesville, GA 30506 770-781-3200 www.vsoftsys.com License: TBROWSE was originally written by programmers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in the early 1980's and distributed on the VM MODs tape. VSSI has been upgrading TBROWSE to keep it current and distributing it with their VTAPE product since TBROWSE became available. There are no restrictions I am aware of to the free distribution TBROWSE.