TapeMap 3.066 Distribution June 1998 This is TapeMap. TapeMap can tell you a lot of things about a tape. Like density, labels, block sizes, etc. My goal was to take any tape, in an unknown format, and describe it. We use this for things like identifying mysterious tapes we receive from other installations and identifying the even more mysterious tapes we get from IBM. TapeMap recognizes VMFPLC2, TAPE, SPTAPE, and other formats. It describes the files and estimates the amount of tape used. TapeMap supported 2400 and 3420 type drives under CMS and OS. 3410, 3430, 3480, 3490, 8809, and 9347 drives are supported under CMS. We have only 3420 and 3480 drives and support for other types is less thoroughly tested. Under CMS unrecognized device types are treated as if they were a 3420. We run TapeMap under VM/ESA 2.2 and CMS 8. (We are no longer running or distributing the OS version.) The source, user's manual, and everything you need should be here. More information is contained in INSTALL NOTES. UPDATE FILE lists the changes and fixes. If you have any problems, have any suggestions, or make any enhancements please let me know. There is, as always, no warranty, express or implied. Dave Elbon University of Kentucky Computing Center 128 McVey Hall Lexington, KY 40506-0045 USA Phone: 606 257.2900 x301 Mail: sysdave@ukcc.uky.edu