- The Swami's Performance Consulting Services
- The Swami can provide remote (that is, telephone, e-mail, etc.) and on-site
performance and availability consulting services including:
- Performance Checkups
- Detailed performance analysis with specific tuning recommendations for batch and on-line systems
- Assistance for you and your staff to ensure that your on-line systems best meet the needs of your business
- Capacity Planning including help navigating through
the sea of choices for your next processor
- The Swami's Education offerings
- The Swami, in conjunction with CPR Systems, offers
a comprehensive class in the design and tuning of file systems and applications using
VSAM. Find out
more about this class and
when and where it will be offered.
- Benefits of putting the Swami's experience to work for you
- Typical environments have seen 20 to 40 percent reduction in CPU and I/O activity for critical
jobsteps and on-line transactions. Although individual results will vary, the reductions in system
resource load make more capacity available for other system needs immediately.
In many instances, these improvements can extend the useful life of your installed system or allow
the system to accommodate expected growth while delaying the need for a system processor upgrade.
- Who is this Swami of VSAM?
- The Swami of VSE/VSAM is Dan Janda, who has been working with VSAM in IBM laboratories and the
real world for over 30 years. He has been a frequent speaker on VSAM, VSE, CICS, and performance
topics at WAVV, GUIDE, CMG and other meetings around the world.
You can visit his web site at