Get Your Whole Index In Memory!
If data is being processed directly, using sufficient
buffer space in a VSAM LSR pool so that repeated index
I/O operations are minimized can pay great benefits.
There are several key parts to this:
- You need to ensure that the size of the Control Areas (CAs) used
for your file are as large as possible. The CA size VSAM will use
is the smallest of:
- The Primary Space Allocation amount
- The Secondary Space Allocation amount
- One Cylinder (for logical devices, it is the equivalent of one cylinder
of the simulated device, such as 3390)
This means it is important to specify primary and secondary allocation
amounts with this in mind.
- You need to ensure that the size of your Index Control Intervals (CIs)
are as small as possible. It is possible to make these too large, which
only wastes space on disk and in in-storage buffers.
For VSE environments,
if you specify a CI size smaller than needed, VSAM will promote the size
to a higher size sufficient to contain the needed data. I recommend:
DEFINE CLUSTER command. Only specify this on DATA component definitions.
Many vendor application package sample installation jobstreams contain
CISZ definitions on the CLUSTER and omit it on the components. You
should feel free to change those specifications to more appropriate
- Do not specify CONTROLINTERVALSIZE on an INDEX component definition,
and allow the Access Method Services utility to calculate the size it
- Use LISTCAT to review the results of the DEFINE command, and if the INDEX CI size
is a value which does not fit nicely into an LSR buffer size, add the
CONTROLINTERVALSIZE specification for the INDEX to increase the INDEX
CI size to the next LSR buffer size.
For zOS and MVS environments, DFP/VSAM does not automatically promote
the index CI size as the VSE implementation does,
and it is possible to have significant
wasted disk space if the index CI size is too small.
- Then, you need to specify enough index buffers of the applicable
size in your LSR pool. See the discussion on LSR pool specifications for
more details, but the maximum number of buffers you need for any one file's
index buffers would be the number of index records shown in the listcat
output for that file. The optimum number would be one buffer for each
high-level index record -- plus at least one or two additional buffers
for each string.
- Monitor the buffer hit/miss ratio for the file, and increase the
number of index buffers until that ratio becomes favorable.